Enrol users in the Pay per Month subscription Once you are done setting up your charger(s) with Pay per Month, it is time to register your users. As...
How to add multiple chargers remotely through the portal? You can add more than one charger remotely and simultaneously. Follow the steps below to add multiple chargers remotely through...
How to display users’ payments in the Portal? You can visualise your users’ payments (made with Pay per Month or Pay per Charge), their corresponding charging sessions on...
How to schedule discharging sessions for Quasar? It is now possible to schedule discharging sessions to power your own home. These sessions can be programmed the same...
How to change the Wallbox portal display language? The Wallbox portal uses your browser’s default display language. Therefore, you need to change your browser’s default language to change...
How to change the Wallbox app display language? The Wallbox app uses your smartphone’s default display language. Therefore, you need to change the default language of your smartphone...
How to change a charger’s name on the Wallbox portal? To help you recognise your chargers easier and organise your space better, you can change your charger’s name on the...
How to change the default display language of your Commander 2? You can easily change the default display language of your Commander 2 by following the steps below: Select your account...
How to display your public charging session invoices in the Wallbox app? You can easily manage and display monthly invoices for your charging sessions using public Wallbox chargers in the app. You...
Changing Displayed Currency in the Wallbox app Are you looking to customize the currency displayed in your Wallbox app? Follow these simple steps to personalize your charging...
How to assign a charger to a user? To enable your new users to use your chargers, you must grant them access (as you did when adding your...
How to delete a user from your Portal space? As a Super-Admin or Admin, you can delete a users anytime from the Wallbox portal. This will remove all the...
How to add a charging point to Electromaps? You can easily make your charging point(s) visible and accessible to other EV users by adding it to Electromaps. Once...
What is an Access group and how to use this feature? Access groups are a portal feature that allows you to manage charger access in bulk, making attributing chargers to new...
Is Pulsar Max complying with the Electrical Vehicles (Smart Charge Points) Regulations 2021? Yes, all Pulsar Max chargers running software version 5.8.25 are compatible with Electrical Vehicles (Smart Charge Points) Regulations 2021. Make...
How to change users’ permissions in the portal? There are two types of user permissions that you can choose from: User: Give the user access to the selected...
How to update your billing information from the Wallbox app? You can easily manage your billing information from the Wallbox app. Billing information can be configured for individuals or businesses...
How to manage chargers’ billing rates in the Portal? The billing rates you defined for the Pay per Month or Pay per Charge solutions are all accessible in one...
What are Locations and how to manage them? You can organize and display your Wallbox chargers by Location. As its name indicates, a Location represents a physical space...
Supernova – Troubleshooting The charge doesn’t go as quickly as I expected. What could be happening? The charging speed can be affected by...
How to accept your Pay per Month subscription contracts on the Wallbox app? A user can accept the monthly subscription contracts to have access all the chargers in their group. The user can have access to multiple contracts and all the contracts can be identified by their respective group name.
How to enable/disable the Wallbox app notifications? The Wallbox app can send push notifications that help you monitor your current charging session. You can enable or disable...
How to generate charging instructions for a Pay per Charge charging point? To help your user use your public charging point, you can download charging instructions in PDF format from the Wallbox...
How to start using a charger once you have been invited to a Pay per Month subscription? The Admin(s) of a charging structure can invite you to use the chargers they manage. Once invited, you will receive a...
How to create and assign a Pay per Month billing rate to a charger? Pay per Month is the most convenient solution for EV Drivers that need to charge their car regularly using your...
Supernova’s presentation and FAQs Supernova is Wallbox’s next-generation business solution for DC fast-charging. Its higher efficiency and reliability maximize uptime, benefiting both electric vehicle drivers...
How to configure a personal PIN for a Commander/Commander 2? To ensure secure access to their assigned Commander/Commander 2 charger(s), users can configure a unique four-digit PIN (Personal Identification Number)....
I am unable to verify my email linked to the Wallbox account. You just created a new Wallbox account but can’t verify your email? Here are some reasons why you may have...
When can I start charging my EV with my charger? As soon as your charger is installed and powered on (the LED halo displays a steady green light), you can...
What are Grid Codes and why do I need them? Grid Codes are the electrical parameters that allow your charger to inject energy into the electrical grid safely, securely, and...
How to add/update your payment method on the Wallbox app? If you are a subscribed user and have received an invitation from the Super Administrator of the space to subscribe to charge with contract, you will have to update the payment method by using the Wallbox application before availing the Pay per Month or Pay per Charge solutions.
How to generate a QR code for a Pay per Charge charging point? To start using a public charging point, Wallbox users need to scan the unique QR code attached to the charger...
How to delete a charger in the portal? You can unlink your charger(s) anytime through the Wallbox app or the portal. Log in to your account on the...
How to download your charging sessions’ statistics from the Portal? All information on energy consumption, costs, active sessions, and historical data can be displayed and exported in a .csv report...
How to link your Stripe and Wallbox accounts to start receiving users’ payments? To receive payment from your user’s charging sessions, you must link a Stripe account to your Wallbox account. You can...
How to reset or change your Wallbox account’s password with the app? Following the steps below, you can generate a new password if you have forgotten it or change the current one...
Features access by user roles in Wallbox Portal The Wallbox portal allows you to give different administration rights to your users: User, Admin, Super-Admin, or Operator (this feature...
How to activate and use Smart-charging with Pulsar Max? Smart-charging, available only with Pulsar Max, allows you to automatically charge your vehicle in the most cost-effective periods according to...
Commander 2/2s Status LED Light – Colours’ meaning Wallbox chargers feature an LED light that reflects their current status and reports any eventual errors. The LED light is visible on the...
How to create a Wallbox account and login from the portal? To start using the Wallbox portal, you must register for an account. If you have already created an account using...
How to restart a charger(s) through the Portal? The subscription of Wallbox Standard or Wallbox Business plan enables you to restart your charger remotely. This enables you to update your charger from any location without being physically present at the charger’s location.
How to set up Pay per Month (monthly subscription)? You can bill for the use of your Wallbox chargers and manage all payments made by your users via the...
How to delete your charger from your account with the Wallbox app? You can delete your charger(s) from your account anytime with the Wallbox app. If you own more than one charger...
How to add charger(s) in the portal? You can easily link all your chargers to your charging infrastructure and assign them to specific Locations and users using...
How to install the 4G dongle provided with the Copper SB kit? Follow these steps to install the 4G dongle that comes within the Copper SB kit. Do not forget to configure...
Quasar Status LED Lights – Colours’s meaning Wallbox chargers feature an LED light that reflects their current status and reports any eventual errors. The LED light is visible on the...
How to enable charging sessions’ automated reports? The Wallbox portal allows you to receive automated reporting periodically.
How to update your chargers’ software remotely with the portal? It is essential to keep your charger(s) up to date to enjoy an optimal experience and get eventual bugs fixed....
How to install the 4G dongle provided with Commander 2 bundle? Please go through the following steps to install the 4G dongle that comes with the Commander 2 bundle and enable...
Pay Per Charge Billing Solution: a Comprehensive Guide 1. Understanding Pay per Charge Monetize Your Wallbox Chargers with Pay per Charge You can easily earn money from your...