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What are Locations and how to manage them?

You can organize and display your Wallbox chargers by Location. As its name indicates, a Location represents a physical space (parking, a building, a company, a hotel, …). Locations act as groups and help you keep your chargers organized. They are also helpful in attributing a group of chargers to users.

You can have multiple Locations under the same Organization.

You can manage your Location(s) as a Super-Admin and other Organization’s Locations if you are invited.

1. How to create a Location?

When you create a myWallbox account, you will belong to a newly generated Organization where you are the Super-Admin. Within this Organization, you can create Locations to organize your chargers.

  1. Log in to the myWallbox portal.
  2. Go to Locations.
  3. Click + Add Location.
  4. Fill in the requested information.
  5. Click Add Location to validate.

Your Location is now created and appears in your Locations list.

2. How to add charger(s) to a Location?

You can define chargers’ Locations directly when you add them to your account.

In case you need to change a charger’s Location after adding it, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the myWallbox portal.
  2. Go to Chargers.
  3. Click the Actions icon next to your charger.
  4. Click Change Location.
  5. Choose the new Location in the pop-up.
  6. Click Save changes.

Your charger is now linked to its new Location.

Alternatively, following this path, you can also change a charger location in its Settings: Click a Charger > Settings > Change location.

3. How to attribute a Location to a user?

As explained above, you can assign a Location to users to allow them to access a group of chargers. This feature is more convenient than giving access to multiple chargers to a user manually.

  1. Log in to the myWallbox portal.
  2. Go to Users.
  3. Click the user of your choice.
  4. Click Assigned chargers.
  5. Check the Location(s) you want to attribute to the user. You can also select only some chargers from a Location.

The user now has access to the chosen Location(s).

4. How to edit a Location?

You can easily edit all Location information after creating them.

  1. Log in to the myWallbox portal.
  2. Go to Locations.
  3. Next to your Location name, click Edit.
  4. Once you are done with your changes, click Save changes.

Your Location details have been edited.

Updated on 01/12/2022

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