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Troubleshooting guide

This troubleshooting guide covers all the most common issues our users have experienced with their chargers and the methods that have effectively resolved them.

This guide applies to all Wallbox chargers (depending on the features they offer). 

Table of Contents

Connectivity issues

Bluetooth troubleshooting

If you are unable to connect the Wallbox app to your charger using Bluetooth, try the troubleshooting steps below:

  1. Stay close to the charger (within six meters) and make sure there is no obstacle between you and the charger.
  2. Restart your smartphone fully. Once it has restarted, turn the Wi-Fi feature off, and leave the Bluetooth on
  3. Ensure Location Permission is given for the Wallbox app in your smartphone app settings.
  4. Power off the charger power supply for a couple of seconds and power it on again. Please wait until the charger restarts, and its LED turns green again.
  5. Log in to the Wallbox app and select your charger from the list. If the charger doesn’t appear, ensure you already added it to your Wallbox account.
  6. Your smartphone will ask for Bluetooth permissions. Tap “Accept”. 
  7. Wait until the Bluetooth connection between your charger and the app is established.
  8. If you can still not connect to your charger, download the Wallbox app on another smartphone and try to connect to your charger. You can use the same Wallbox account credentials to log into the Wallbox app across all devices:
  • The other smartphone CAN connect to your charger: the issue might come for your smartphone. 
  • The other smartphone CANNOT connect to your charger: perform a full restore of your charger and try to connect to it again. 

Wi-Fi troubleshooting

Before going through the troubleshooting steps below, ensure the Wallbox app and your charger are correctly connected via Bluetooth (refer to the Bluetooth article for more information). 

I cannot connect the charger to my router’s Wi-Fi

Ensure your router can connect to our servers by visiting this address (using your smartphone and standing close to your charger): https://api.wall-box.com/api/ping 

If the message “OK” returns, your router can connect to our servers. 

Below are the recommended maximum distances between your charger and router for an optimal internet connection:

  • No walls and no ceiling in 25m
  • One wall or one ceiling: 15m
  • Two walls or two ceilings, or One wall and one ceiling: 5m

Ensure the charger and router are within these ranges.

If you can connect to our servers and the distance between your router and the charger is correct, go through these steps:

  1. Make sure the router is on and working with other devices.
  2. Restart the router fully.
  3. Uninstall the Wallbox app completely and install it again.
  4. Fully restart your phone.
  5. Power cycle the charger. Please turn off the power supply to the charger for a minimum of 20 seconds and wait until its LED turns green.
  6. Use your smartphone as an Internet hotspot and connect the charger to it.
  7. Restore the charger through the app and try to connect.
  8. Update the charger software if needed and try to connect.

Other Wi-Fi issues

  1. Make sure you can see your Wi-Fi appearing in your smartphone Wi-Fi settings and that you can connect to it. If not, restart your Internet router and your smartphone.
  2. Once you can see your Wi-Fi appearing in your smartphone Wi-Fi list, restart the Wallbox app.
  3. Try again to connect your charger to your Wi-Fi in the Wallbox app.

The Bluetooth connection is not established correctly if the connectivity icon is not selectable in the App. Refer to the “I cannot connect my charger to the Wallbox app via Bluetooth” section in this article to fix the issue.

  1. Ensure your Internet source is close enough to your charger, that there are no significant obstacles between it and your charger, and that the Wi-Fi signal is strong enough.
  2. If your Wi-Fi name or password contains special characters from the ASCII printable character, remove them.
  3. Restart your Internet source, your Wallbox app and your charger.
  4. Try to connect to your Wi-Fi again.

Please note that Commander 1 and Copper support only a 2.4 GHz band. All other chargers support both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands.

Disconnections might be caused by many factors, including: 

  • There are significant obstacles between your Internet router and charger, resulting in a weak Wi-Fi signal. Move the Internet router closer to your charger.
  • Your Internet router is not close enough to the Wi-Fi range of your charger, resulting in a weak Wi-Fi signal. Try to move it closer to your charger.
  • Your Internet router is misconfigured. You can refer to your Internet provider to check its configuration. Fast Roaming is not supported and must be deactivated for proper functioning.

If none of the troubleshooting steps below fixes your issue, consider checking your Internet router (or any device you use as an Internet hotspot).

Ethernet troubleshooting

This section is only relevant to chargers equipped with an Ethernet connector, i.e., Copper SB, Commander/Commander 2 & 2s, and Quasar.

  1. Try the Ethernet cable with another device:

    1. If the cable still doesn’t work, try using a different Ethernet cable.

    2. If the cable works, continue with step 2.

  2. Turn on the Wi-Fi feature of your charger and try to connect the Ethernet cable again.
  3. If the connection is still not working, contact your internet provider.

Restore and Update issues

The charger’s software is directly linked to your charger’s Wi-fi, Bluetooth, and cloud-based functionalities. Furthermore, it is crucial to keep it updated. The Wallbox app will let you know automatically when a new software version is released. Additionally, you can check the last software version for each charger in our Release Notes section.

Follow the steps detailed in this article to update your charger’s software.

If you are experiencing issues with the update process: 

  1. Restart your charger with the Wallbox app or Portal (Cogwheel > Advanced Options > Restart). Follow this article if you do not know how to do that. 
  2. Open and close the Wallbox app or Portal, depending on your solution.
  3. Relaunch the Update process.

In case you are still experiencing issues, contact the Wallbox Support Team.

Restoring your charger is the most effective way to resolve an issue related to connectivity issues. To perform a full restore, follow the steps in the dedicated article.

If you cannot restore your charger through the app or the Portal, contact the Wallbox Support Team.

Power and Charging issues

Power limitation can be due to different factors:

  • Your car settings could limit the power. Make sure to check them.
  • The number of phases in your charger or the electric installation can limit the power.
  • Your car battery could be almost full already, and the charging regime is automatically reduced to ensure a safe charge.
  • Some car models must be closed doors to perform a full power charge. Make sure to check if your car has this feature.
  • The power is limited in the Wallbox app:
    1. Log into the Wallbox app.
    2. Select your charger.
    3. Increase the wheel controller on the charger screen to change the power limitation.

If you try to start a charge, but the Wallbox app gets stuck on “Waiting for car demand”, test these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Make sure the EV gun is appropriately and firmly connected to the car.
  2. Ensure that your charger is connected to the Internet and that its software is up to date (refer to our software update article). 
  3. Ensure you are running the last Wallbox app version (you can check your app in the Play Store/App Store of our phone).
  4. Make sure there is no scheduled charge in the Wallbox app or your car system.
  5. Close the windows of your car and lock it.
  6. Restart the Wallbox app and try to start a charge again.

If the problem persists, don’t hesitate to contact our Support Team for further assistance.

Wallbox app & portal issues

For more details about scheduled charges, please go through our dedicated article: How to create scheduled charging sessions with the Wallbox app.

Do you have a charge scheduled in your app, but it won’t start? Typically, this particular problem can be resolved in a few easy steps:

  1. Check that no charges are already scheduled in your car settings via its control board.
  2. Make sure your smartphone and charger are connected using Bluetooth through the Wallbox app
  3. If the EV gun is connected to your car, unplug it and unlock your charger if it is locked. 
  4. Delete all the scheduled charges you might have in the Wallbox app.
  5. Create a new “test” scheduled charge that should start in the next 5 minutes.
  6. Plug your car and wait for the “test” scheduled charge to start.
  7. If the issue is fixed, delete the scheduled “test” charge you created and go ahead with the schedule you need.

If you need further details about charging sessions’ statistics, read our dedicated guide.

If you are missing all or a part of your session statistics, below are a few steps to retrieve them:

  1. Ensure your smartphone is connected to the Internet.
  2. Usually, closing the app completely (make sure it is not running as a “background” app either) and reopening it fixes the issue. If the problem persists: 
  3. Delete and reinstall the Wallbox app. Log back into the app once reinstalled.
  4. Power Off your charger for at least 5 seconds, and turn it back on.

  5. Reconnect to your charger via Bluetooth. If the wheel turns purple in the app, the synchronization between your charger and the app is being performed, and the issue should be fixed.

If the issue persists, restoring your charger might fix the problem.

Updated on 13/12/2022

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