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Pay Per Charge Billing Solution: a Comprehensive Guide

1. Understanding Pay per Charge

Monetize Your Wallbox Chargers with Pay per Charge

You can easily earn money from your Wallbox chargers by using the Pay per Charge billing solution. With this method, you can charge users each time they use your charger to power up their electric vehicles (EVs). Managing payments is simple, thanks to the user-friendly interface of the Wallbox portal.

Prefer Monthly Subscriptions? No Problem!
If you have a regular user base, like your company’s employees, and prefer offering them a monthly subscription plan, you can opt for the Pay Per Month method. Find out more about it here.

What is Pay per Charge?
Pay per Charge (PPC) is a straightforward billing solution available through the Wallbox portal. Users can charge their cars by simply scanning the QR code on your Wallbox Charger with the Wallbox app. They’ll be billed immediately after their charging session ends, based on the rate you’ve set.
How Much Does It Cost?
For each charging session, Wallbox charges a fee of 5% of the total price. This fee is deducted before the payment reaches you via Stripe. For example, if a user pays 5.00€ for a charging session, you’ll receive 4.75€ after deducting the 5% fee.
Help Users Find Your Chargers
Users can easily locate your Wallbox Chargers by tapping “On the go” in the Wallbox app. However, you need to add your chargers to Electromaps to appear on the charging map. Learn how to add your chargers here.
Starting a Charging Session is Easy
Users simply need to download the Wallbox app, create an account, add a payment method, and scan the QR code on your charger to start charging.

You can also use our tool and generate an editable PDF with instructions that you can print and display near your charger.

2. Before Starting

2.1. Setting up your Wallbox Account

To begin using Pay per Charge, you need to:

  1. Create a Wallbox account.
  2. Add your charger(s) to your account.
  3. Connect your Stripe account to your Wallbox account in the Portal.

Once your account is set up, ensure that the Technical Requirements below are met:

2.2. Technical Requirements

For Pay per Charge to work smoothly, ensure:

  1. Internet Connection: Both the user’s Wallbox app and your charger must be connected to the Internet.
  2. MID Metering: Your chargers must be equipped with a MID meter to sell energy in specific countries.

3. Creating a Pay per Charge Billing Rate for Your Charger(s)

A rate is a fee you define in the Wallbox portal and will be billed when someone charges their EVs with your charger. They are highly customizable and can be changed at any time.

3.1. Available Rate Options

The Pay per Charge feature, just like the monthly billing solution (Pay per Month), lets you choose between three charging methods:

  1. Time Reservation Fee (charged in Price — EUR* / Hour)
  2. Consumed Energy Fee (charged in Price — EUR* / kWh) – your charger must be equipped with a MID meter to use this charging method.
  3. Charging Time Fee (charged in Price — EUR* / Hour)

On top of the abovementioned fees, you can add a fixed service fee that will apply to all your users’ charging sessions. It can be likened to a charger unlocking fee.

You can also assign a rate to a specific schedule.

*The currency depends on the configuration of your Organization.

3.2. Creating and assigning a Pay per Charge rate

To monetise your charger(s), you must create billing rates and assign them to your charger. Follow the steps below to create and assign a rate to a charger:

  1. Log in to the Wallbox portal.
  2. Go to Chargers.
  3. Select the charger you want to monetize.
  4. In the Connectivity section, click Payments and then Pay per Charge.
  5. Enable the Pay per Charge option.
  6. Select or create a rate.
  7. Add the rate to a schedule.
  8. Name and configure your rate.
  9. Save.

Your rate is now assigned to your charger!

3.3. Modifying your rates

You can modify and fully manage all your rates at any time following this path: Payments (in the left menu) > Rates.

From there, you can view all your rates and their properties (variable fee type, price, schedule …) and check if they are assigned at a glance. You can also create new rates, delete them or modify them directly from this area.

4. Making your charger accessible to users

Your charger is now set up correctly. The last steps you must go through to ensure your users can access your charging points are the following:

4.1. Generate the Charging Session QR Code

To start a charging session with your charger, Wallbox users need to scan the unique QR code attached to the charger with the Wallbox app.

You can easily generate this QR code through your Wallbox portal dashboard. Follow these steps to create the QR code:

  1. Log in to the Wallbox portal.
  2. Go to Chargers.
  3. Select the charger you need to generate a QR code for.
  4. Go to Settings.
  5. Scroll to the Pay per Charge option.
  6. Click the “QR code” button.
  7. A unique QR code in PDF format is downloaded.
  8. You can now display this QR code next to your charger.

The QR code generation button will display only if Pay per Charge is fully set up for the charger and a rate is assigned.

4.2. Generate the Charging Instructions

To help your user, you can download charging instructions in PDF format from the Wallbox portal and display them on your charging point:

  1. Log in to the Wallbox portal.
  2. Go to Chargers.
  3. Select the charger you need to generate instructions for.
  4. Go to Settings.
  5. Scroll until the Pay per Charge option.
  6. Click the “Charging instructions” button.
  7. The charging instructions are downloaded in PDF.
  8. You can now edit this PDF with your title and branding and make it visible next to your charger to help your users.
Updated on 17/06/2024

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