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Como ajustar a corrente (amperagem) do seu carregador com a aplicação ou o Portal myWallbox?

A charger’s charging current can be adjusted in the myWallbox app or the Portal within the charger and electrical installation limitations.

Suppose your charger shares a high-voltage circuit with other appliances. In that case, you may want to temporarily reduce the amperage available to charge your vehicle when operating those other appliances to ensure you do not overload the circuit. 

You can adjust this setting through the myWallbox app or the Portal.

You cannot exceed the maximum power capacity of your charger. If your installer sets the physical current selection switch to a lower amperage, you cannot exceed that amperage setting. 

With the myWallbox app

  1. Log in to the myWallbox app.
  2. Select your charger.
  3. Wait until the app and your charger establish a Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connection.
  4. No ecrã da app do carregador, toque na roda de ajuste de potência e desloque no sentido horário ou no sentido anti-horário para ajustar a sua definição de potência preferida.

With the myWallbox Portal

  1. Log in to the myWallbox Portal.
  2. Click Chargers and click the desired charger.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Next to Maximum current, click Edit.
  5. Enter the Maximum current value desired (in Amps).
  6. Click Save.

Your charger’s Maximum charging current has been updated.

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Updated on 22/02/2023

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