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Release of 16th-January-2024

Applicable To

  • MyWallbox

Latest Software Versions
Pulsar Plus Commander 2 Copper SB Quasar Pulsar Max Pulsar Pro

Wallbox is always committed to providing the best charging experience to all its customers. Therefore, we are continuously improving our products’ features. Following you will find a repository with all published release notes, with an explanation of all the updates performed.

This new release brings enhancements to the myWallbox app.

Below, find the latest software versions of the myWallbox app (iOS and Android). To ensure proper functionality, please keep it always updated.

myWallbox Portal

  • Now if you are under an unstable connection you will receive better feedback on your myWallbox Portal connectivity status.
  • When updating or restarting your chargers you will have a better user experience, to help you on that process.
  • You will get more detailed information when your charger is in waiting status.
  • For Singapore users VAT has been updated to 9%.
  • We’ve also improved the design of the side menus inside the sections.
  • We have carried out some minor bug fixing.

myWallbox App

Electromaps integration: 

  • Discover more than +460.000 chargers around you with our new On the go tab. Available in Spain, Germany, Italy, and France.

Bug Fixes:

  •  Android dark mode fix: Issue resolved for some Android devices affected by dark mode settings.



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