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How to update your chargers’ software remotely with the portal?


It is essential to keep your charger(s) up to date to enjoy an optimal experience and get eventual bugs fixed. You can perform remote software updates through the Wallbox portal or the app. The portal is handier if you own multiple chargers and need to bulk update them.

To perform a software update, ensure the charger is connected to the Internet (the available update button on the portal will only be shown next to the charger if it is connected).

Ensure the EV gun is not plugged into the car when updating your charger, as this might disorder session registration and interfere with the update process.

  1. Log in to the Wallbox portal.
  1. Click Chargers.
  2. If your chargers are pending updates, a message will display and invite you to update.
  3. Click “Update all chargers” to update all your chargers at once. You can also update each charger individually by clicking the desired charger and clicking “Update” on the control panel.
  4. A pop-up detailing the update displays. Click “Update” to confirm and start the update process. If you are updating multiple chargers, you can select which ones you would like to update.
  5. The charger(s) status turns to “Updating“, and the update starts. The charger becomes unavailable for use while it is updating.
  6. Once the update is completed, the charger status will return to its previous state to signify that the update process is done.


Can I cancel an ongoing update?
Once an update is started, it is not possible to cancel it. Cutting an update in progress could make a charger unusable.
What happens if an update fails?
You can try to perform the following troubleshooting steps:
– Ensure that the Internet connection is working properly and is stable,
– Restart the charger(s),
– Try to start the update again.

Please get in touch with our Customer Service for advanced troubleshooting if you cannot perform the update.
Updated on 17/06/2024

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