You can generate a new password if you have forgotten or need to change the current one through the Wallbox portal or the app.
I forgot my password and need to reinitialise it
If you forgot your current password and need to reinitialise it to log in, follow the steps below:
- Go to the Wallbox portal.
- Click “Continue with email“.
- Click “Forgot your password?”.
- Enter the email linked to your account and click Restore password.
- If the email address you entered matches an existing account, a password recovery email will be sent to this email address.
- Go to your emails and click the recovery link.
- Enter a new password and validate.
You can now log in using the new password you defined.
I know my password and want to change it
If you know your current password and need to modify it, you can follow the steps below:
- Log in to the Wallbox portal.
- Click the Settings icon.
- Click “Security“.
- In the Password panel, click “Edit“.
- Enter your current password, define a new one, and click “Update password“.
You can now log in using the new password you defined.