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Release of 12-July-2021

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This new release brings enhancements to the Wallbox portal and Wallbox app.

Below, you can see the latest software versions of all chargers and the Wallbox app (iOS and Android). 

To ensure proper functionality, please keep them always updated.

Wallbox portal

  • For superadmins. If a user you are trying to unsubscribe from your Pay per Month plan has unpaid bills, a popup invites you to review their bills in a list, before you actually unsubscribe the user. There, you can mark the bill as paid once the user has done so. 
  • For admins. When you click a user, in the User tab you can now find their RFID number in a dedicated field.
  • If you have access to multiple Spaces, you can click the current Space on the top right to display the full list. There, the improved selector will show you further details to help you navigate through the different Spaces.
  • To help you have a clear view of the status each of your chargers is in, we adjusted some color codes. In the Chargers list and in each charger’s section, immediately know when a charger is waiting or scheduled (light blue), charging (blue), ready (green), paused (white), discharging (pink – only for Quasar), error (red), disconnected (grey), and locked (yellow).

Wallbox app

  • We’ve updated contact numbers and email addresses, as well as working hours, in Help & Support—make sure you take a look if you need to contact us!
  • Updating your chargers’ software and firmware is now easier and clearer. To check for updates, go to Charger Info and click Charger Version. There you’ll see whether there is a new software or firmware version available. If there is, click the new version and follow the steps—we’ll guide you from start to finish. 



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