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How to activate Power Boost?

Measuring how much energy you use and giving the rest to your car is possible thanks to Power Boost. Turning the lights off in one room? Power Boost automatically adjusts the electrical power and provides you with the best possible charging experience.

1. Compatible Wallbox chargers

Find below the list of Wallbox chargers that are compatible with Power Boost:

  • Pulsar Plus

2. Installation requirements

To enable Power Boost for your charger, you must combine it with an energy meter.

Choose the energy meter that is compatible with your electrical network among the ones listed below:

  • NA Power Meter EM530

3. Enabling Power Boost

Follow these steps to activate Power Boost:

  1. Ensure your Wallbox charger and Wallbox app have the latest version (you can check its version in your Play Store or App Store).
  2. Log into the app by filling in your credentials, or register if you do not have an account yet.
  1. Select the charger you want to enable Power Boost for and stay within its Bluetooth range during all the following steps.
  2. Connect to your charger via Bluetooth.
  3. Once the synchronization between your charger and your App is complete, go to Settings.
  4. Click Upgrades.
  5. Click the Power Boost icon.
  6. Enable the Power Boost feature by switching the button to the ON position.
  7. In the Max current per phase field, specify the main breaker rated current or subscribed current (in amps), whichever is lower.
  8. Click Accept to enable Power Boost.

Only Max Current per phase greater than 6 amps is accepted for correct performance. In case of doubt, contact Wallbox Customer Service.

  1. Once Power Boost is enabled, the mention “Power boost activated. Waiting in queue.” will display.


In case the Power Boost is not selectable, follow the steps below:

  1. Power off and power on your charger,
  2. Check all cables for correct installation,
  3. Verify if the correct cable type is used,
  4. Check if the switch is settled correctly to “T” or “NT”,
  5. Check if your charger software is up to date,
  6. Make sure that you are connected to your charger using Bluetooth.
Updated on 11/03/2024

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