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Release of 22nd-February-2024

Applicable To

  • Pulsar Plus

Latest Software Versions
Pulsar Plus Commander 2 Copper SB Quasar Pulsar Max Pulsar Pro

Wallbox is always committed to providing the best charging experience to all its customers. Therefore, we are continuously improving our products’ features. Following you will find a repository with all published release notes, with an explanation of all the updates performed.

This new 6.4.14 charger release includes the following fixes and enhancements for Pulsar Plus:

  1. Now our Energy Management Systems are more robust and provide more feedback when there are problems communicating with the external meter.
  2. We are including two new OCPP features: ChargePointMaxProfiles and Stacking charging Profiles, for companies providing smart charging.
  3. We have fixed an issue that caused chargers with serial numbers greater than 1048575 to be unable to connect to a Power Sharing network.
  4. We have fixed an issue that caused some three-phase chargers to not calculate power properly.

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