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Release of 15-July-20

Applicable To

  • Commander 2


This new release brings enhancements to the MyWallbox portal, Commander 2 and Copper C/S chargers, and the Wallbox app.

At the end of this release note, find the latest software versions of all chargers and the Wallbox app (iOS and Android). To ensure proper functionality, please keep them always updated.

MyWallbox Portal

  • In the Chargers section, find each charger’s information in separate tabs, which you can expand and collapse as you view them. This allows you to see the information in a clearer way.
  • Until recently, you could assign a single role for an entire group of users. Now, you can assign a specific role for each user within a group independently—this offers you the possibility to have groups that contain users with different roles. Please note that only Superadmins can assign roles and manage groups.
  • A breadcrumb trail at the top left of each section now shows you exactly where you are within the portal. You can click any of the section names in the breadcrumb trail to navigate to that section.

Wallbox App

  • Performance improvements, to give you a faster and better experience.

Commander 2 & Copper C/S

  • Performance improvements.

Last Recommended Software Version: Charger

CommanderCommander 2Copper CCopper SCopper SBPulsar plusPulsar

Last recommended version: APP

Android: 2020.07.21
IOS: 2020.07.15

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