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Release notes 2019

Wallbox is always committed to providing the best charging experience to all its customers. Therefore, we are continuously improving our products’ features. Following you will find a repository with all published release notes, with an explanation of all the updates performed.


  • Wallbox app improvements are available with this release.

Wallbox recommends performing these updates.

Release versions

IOS app: 2019.11.13

Android app: 2019.11.13

Improvements and new functionalities:

  • Power Boost_iOS & Android Wallbox app
    • The check to activate and deactivate the power boost, through the Wallbox app, occasionally did not deactivate the power boost and now deactivates it correctly any time.
  • Schedules_Android Wallbox app
    • When the user was connected to the charger through the Android Wallbox app and he had an active schedule for Sundays, this schedule was not recognized nor connected; now you can connect perfectly to the charger and see schedules for any day and time.


  • Wallbox portal and Wallbox app improvements are available with this release.
  • A new Firmware/Software for each product has been also released which can be updated through the new Wallbox app version.

Wallbox recommends performing these updates.

Release versions

IOS app: 2019.10.22

Android app: 2019.10.22

PulsarPulsar PlusCommanderCommander 2Copper CCopper S/SB

Improvements and new functionalities:

  • Dynamic Static Load Management Available for Wallbox PRO licensed customers
    • The Dynamic Static Load Management (DPS) monitors a building’s demand and compares it against its maximum allowable value. When it is lower than the maximum, it can supply all the remaining available power to reach the maximum to the charging station. Contrarily, if the building’s demand is equal or greater than its maximum permitted value, no power will be supplied to the charging station. Just by taking advantage of periods where there is low demand from the building side, the charging station’s demand can be satisfied without having to increase the installation’s overall power.
    • To accomplish this energy distribution system, the Power Boost and Static Load Management functionalities have been merged to create the Dynamic Static Load Management.
    • All Wallbox chargers can be installed in this configuration. However, a PULSAR can never be the MASTER of the network.
    • This functionality must be configurated through the app or touch screen of Wallbox Commander family
  • Automatic reporting Available for Wallbox PRO licensed customers
    • Automatic email sending of Month Stats Report for each Group of chargers to its Super Administrator users
    • Report includes standard CSV as generated in Wallbox portal for the Group
    • Report is sent in a range time around UTC Midnight of last day of each month
    • Report includes charging sessions data for all days of the closing month
  • App_Onboarding
    There are two different kinds of OnBoarding:
    • Newcomer Onboarding:
      • Set of slides presenting basic functionalities for newly created account
      • Slides are shown just after the login and once the account has been created
    • New Features announcement:
      • Set of slides presenting new functionality for existing accounts
      • Slides are shown once the App has been updated and opened
  • Update charger software remotely
    • Via internet through the app
    • Applies to all Wallbox chargers connected to internet except to Wallbox Pulsar
  • Groups organization level
    • Change group at a Portal level
  • Pre-charge
    • Pre-charge extended to 5 seconds
    • Wallbox chargers has now compatibility with both Smart Mercedes and Kia Niro cars, solving the schedules issues detected in the past
    • Applies to Wallbox Pulsar and Commander 1 models


  • Wallbox portal and Wallbox app improvements are available with this release.
  • A new Firmware/Software for each product has been also released which can be updated through the new Wallbox app version.

Wallbox recommends performing these updates.

Release versions

IOS app: 2019.09.16

Android app: 2019.09.18

PulsarPulsar PlusCommanderCommander 2Copper CCopper S/SB

Improvements and new functionalities:

  • Statistics report
    • At ‘User’ level, users may not have
      • Users have the option to select format and time zone when exporting .csv statistics report from the Wallbox portal
      • Enhance charger statistics report, incorporating new fields and improving the logic of displayed data in columns
      • The energy value will be properly sent in [kWh]
      • Charger statistics reports also include and support information regarding to the management of payments based on the time of use of the charger
  • Payment System Available for Wallbox PRO licensed customers
    • Available for Commander and Copper family chargers
    • Customers under Wallbox PRO licenses can make their chargers available to third parties (end users), generating a revenue calculated based on time of use
    • This process is carried out through a payment system service
      • End users may use this service via the Wallbox app by scanning a QR code located next to the charger and setting up their payment method
      • Customers under Wallbox PRO licenses (super admin user) may use the Wallbox portal to configure their payment preferences and manage payments sessions
  • Subgroups management Available for Wallbox PRO licensed customers
    • Available for all Wallbox chargers
      • Super admin user can create and delete subgroups of chargers of his group
      • Super admin or admin user can create, edit and delete subgroups of users in his group
      • End users may use this service via the Wallbox app by scanning a QR code located next to the charger and setting up their payment method
      • Customers under Wallbox PRO licenses (super admin user) may use the Wallbox portal to configure their payment preferences and manage payments sessions
  • RFID Available for Wallbox Copper C/S/SB
    • RFID is enabled by default in all Wallbox Copper models
  • Mobile friendly user registration
    • When an email invitation is received by a new user, he/she can finish the registration process directly in their mobile through the app if it was installed; if not, the process redirects you directly to the play store / app store.
  • Charger info Country and State
    • Users must add Country and State when adding and customizing a new charger
    • This information will help calculating the corresponding tax rates of the selected country when using online payments


  • A new firmware for Wallbox Copper C/S & Copper SB has been released

This new firmware helps WB Copper S & Copper SB to avoid socket locking the charging plug and not releasing, even though the car was unplugged.

Release versions

Copper C/SCopper SB

Wallbox recommends performing these updates.


  • Wallbox portal and Wallbox app improvements are available with this release.
  • A new firmware for each product has been also released which can be updated through the new Wallbox app version.

Wallbox recommends performing these updates.

Release versions

IOS app: 2019.06.17

Android app: 2019.06.17

PulsarPulsar PlusCommanderCopper CCopper SB

Improvements in functionalities:

  • Users permissions
    • At ‘User’ level, users may not have
      • access to charger configuration settings,
      • the possibility to set schedules
      • the possibility to modify energy intensity
      • and only can use lock/unlock and play/pause.
  • Multiuser concept improvements introducing “Charger Protected” functionality
    • Assuming that
      • Multiuser environment will always have the auto lock functionality activated
      • A charger can be set up in “guest mode” and it will never lock
      • Single user has the possibility to activate/deactivate auto lock functionality

we have modified the behaviour of “multiuser” to give to the customers the possibility to have a “guest” charger and to give to the single user the possibility to have “auto lock”.

Available for all Wallbox chargers

  • Remote schedules
    • Charging schedules can now be configured, not only via Bluetooth, but also remotely

Available for Pulsar Plus, Commander, Copper C and Copper S/SB chargers

  • Mobile connectivity
    • Optimization of data exchange process between charger and cloud while keeping the same real-time features.
    • Optimization of 3G dongle configuration and reconnection.

Available for Commander, Copper C y Copper S/SB chargers

  • PULSAR chargers
    • Charging sessions: A disclaimer has been added to notify charging session end time when EVG is unplugged.
    • Enhance firmware update: Although to a great extent, performing firmware update depends on mobile phone brand, model and operating system, we have managed to reduce the execution time of this action


Improvements in mobile connectivity are made available with this release.

Wallbox recommends performing these updates.

Copper SB

Release Version: 3.5.3

Improvements_Copper SB

  • Data consumption optimization when using mobile connectivity.
    • The data exchanged between charger and Wallbox cloud is reduced when using mobile connectivity.
  • Improvements in handling changes in SIM card parameters (e.g. new SIM provider parameters).
  • Improvements in the stability and robustness of mobile connectivity.


Stability and user-experience improvements through the Wallbox portal and the Wallbox app, are made available with this release.

Wallbox recommends performing these updates.


  • Face recognition improvements (Copper C & Copper S): Reduced reaction time when unlocking the charger through the face recognition process
  • Wallbox portal
    • Charger
      • Charger list loads faster
      • Add charger to group option is available only to users with admin or superadmin rights
    • Statistics
      • Users can now visualise all historic sessions, not only those of the past 12 months
      • Date filtering improvements
      • Visualisation is now more user-friendly and intuitive
    • Users
      • Password-field validation popup when user types incorrect values
      • When there is an issue when uploading user image (avatar), there is an error message popup informing the user
      • Improvements in the administration management hierarchy:
        • Superadmin and admin can delete users
        • Superadmin can delete admins
      • Different type of users (superadmin / admin / user) have different icons displayed, so they can easily be differentiated
      • When a user unlinks a charger, it will not unlink for the entire group; no other user in the same group will be affected
      • Deleting existing user RFID is allowed (Copper family)
  • Wallbox app
    • Optimisation of the app-to-charger synchronization and communication. Features such as Connectivity, Static Load Management and Power Boost will not be available until the synchronization fully completes.

Wallbox app release versions:

  • IOS app: 2019.4.9
  • Android 2019.4.9


  • Wallbox portal and Wallbox app improvements are available with this release.
  • New firmware for each product has also been released which can be updated through the new Wallbox app version.

Wallbox recommends performing these updates.

Wallbox app

Release Versions:

  • IOS app: 2019.2.28 (202)
  • Android 2019.2.28

Improvements in functionalities:

  • WiFi connectivity
    • Improvements in the configuration process
    • Improvements in the user feedback of the WiFi connection
    • Improvements in the WiFi reconnection
    • It also notifies the user when the charger is connected to the router, but it does not have an active internet connection.

Available for Copper C, Copper SB and Commander.

Wallbox portal

Improvements in functionalities:

  • WiFi connectivity
    • Improvements in the configuration process
    • Improvements in the user feedback of the WiFi connection
    • Improvements in the WiFi reconnection
    • It also notifies the user when the charger is connected to the router, but it does not have an active internet connection.

Available for Copper C, Copper SB and Commander

  • RFiD
    • Compatibility with 10 or 17 decimal characters, or alphanumeric with 4 or 7-byte, UIDs.
    • Reduces the time of RFID authentication with the charger.

Available for Copper C and Copper SB

  • Group name
    • Portal super admin can edit the group’s name

Available for all products


Release Version: 3.6.3


  • The commented improvements, mentioned in page 1, for this product (in the portal section)


Release Version: 2.7.0


  • The commented improvements, mentioned in page 1, for this product (in the app and portal sections)
  • WiFi signal and cloud connection are visualized on the screen (not only on the app)
  • Branding: The brand image will be kept in the charger even though the internet connection is lost.

Copper C

Release Version: 3.5.0


  • The commented improvements mentioned in page 1 for this product (in the app and portal sections)
  • RFiD
    • Compatibility with 10 or 17 decimal characters, or alphanumeric with 4 or 7-byte, UIDs.
    • Reduces the time of RFID authentication with the charger.
  • When unlocking the charger, LED colour shows always the expected behaviour and does not freeze under any circumstances.
  • WiFi signal and cloud connection are visualized on the screen (not only on the app)

Copper SB

Release Version: 3.5.0


  • The commented improvements mentioned in page 1 for this product (in the app and portal sections)
  • RFiD
    • Compatibility with 10 or 17 decimal characters, or alphanumeric with 4 or 7-byte, UIDs.
    • Reduces the time of RFID authentication with the charger.
  • When unlocking the charger, LED colour shows always the expected behaviour and does not freeze under any circumstances
  • WiFi signal and cloud connection are visualized on the screen (not only on the app).


  • Wallbox app improvements are available with this release.
  • A new Pulsar firmware has been also released which can be updated through the new Wallbox app version.

Wallbox recommends performing these updates.

Wallbox App

Release Versions:

  • IOS app 2019.2.6 (198)
  • Android app 2019.2.6 (102)

Improvements in functionalities:

  • Synchronization of the gesture functionality configuration between app and Copper chargers
  • Languages: updated texts In French
  • Unlink user from charger can now be done without connecting to the charger
  • New Pulsar firmware version 3.6.1 (explained in section “Pulsar”)


Release Version: 3.6.1


  • Bug-Fix – Energy calculation stored on session


  • Wallbox app and Wallbox portal improvements are available with this release.
  • A new Pulsar firmware has been also released which can be updated through the new Wallbox app version.

Wallbox recommends performing this update.

Wallbox app

Release Versions:

  • iOS 2019.1.24 (195)
  • Android 2019.1.24 (101)

Improvements in functionalities:

  • Synchronization of the gesture functionality configuration between portal, app and Copper chargers
  • Statistics visualized in the portal and the app
  • Schedule configuration (of all chargers)
  • Synchronization between app and cloud of the charging sessions via Bluetooth
  • New Pulsar firmware version 3.6.0 (explained in section “Pulsar”)
  • Minor fixes (translation mistakes, profile image setting)

Wallbox portal

Improvements in functionalities:

  • Data graphics visualization
  • Statistics and sessions data coherence and filtering
  • Chargers list data and group visualization
  • Charger assignment
  • Statistics visualised in the portal and the app
  • Portal user management
  • Portal charger management
  • Minor fixes (profile image visualisation, translation errors)


Release Version: 3.6.0


  • Schedule behaviour and its current assignation