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Wallbox release notes

Here, you’ll find all our products’ latest updates, improvements, and bug fixes.

The listed software version applies to the entire product family and may differ based on your charger’s specific hardware revision. To confirm the exact software version for your charger, please refer to the “Software Update” section in the Wallbox app.

Latest Chargers Software Versions
Pulsar Plus Commander 2 Copper SB Quasar Pulsar Max Pulsar Pro Pulsar Plus Socket ABL Pulsar
17/02/2025 24/02/2025 17/02/2025 23/02/2023 21/08/2024 05/03/2025 18/06/2024 18/06/2024
6.7.20 6.7.20 6.7.20 5.13.14 6.6.12 6.7.20 6.4.28 6.6.12

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