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Release of 10-Nov-2020

Applicable To

  • Commander 2
  • MyWallbox
  • Pulsar

Latest Software Versions
Pulsar Plus Commander 2 Copper SB Quasar Pulsar Max Pulsar Pro

Wallbox is always committed to providing the best charging experience to all its customers. Therefore, we are continuously improving our products’ features. Following you will find a repository with all published release notes, with an explanation of all the updates performed.

This new release brings enhancements to the myWallbox portal and the Pulsar and Commander 2 chargers’ software. 

Find below the latest software versions of all chargers and the myWallbox app (iOS and Android). To ensure proper functionality, please keep them always updated. 

myWallbox portal 

  • We’ve enhanced the look and feel for charger assignation, to make it clearer for you. Find this when you create a group, add a user to a group, and in the Assigned Chargers tab of a user’s profile. 
  • In your Account Settings, the Country field is now a required field. This allows us to offer you a more customized experience when using the portal. 


  • The charging schedule management now doesn’t have time constraints, to give you more freedom when charging your electric vehicles. You can plug your car in whenever you want, and your charger will follow the configured charging schedule. Note that you can still charge your car manually, by pressing Play on your charger—charging will stop when you unplug your car or if the battery is fully charged. 

Latest Software Versions


CommanderCommander 2Copper CCopper SCopper SBPulsar PlusPulsar*4.5.5*3.7.4



*Updated 24/11/2020

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