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Release of 14-September-2021

This new release brings enhancements to the Copper SB charger.

Copper SB

  • If you’re charging with Static Load Management or Power Boost enabled and there is a current shortage, your car is sent to the charging queue. Now, when the current is available again, your charger automatically resumes charging.
  • We’ve improved synchronisation between your charger and Wallbox (both portal and app). If an error should occur (indicated by a red signal), they all recover automatically when the error is solved.
  • To enhance your seamless charging experience, we’ve reduced the time it takes for your charger’s socket to lock and unlock.
  • We fixed an issue with the Pay per Charge solution, in which after the charging time that a user had paid for had ended, the charging session didn’t automatically stop.

Latest Software Versions


Copper SB