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Pulsar Max – Online installationsvejledning

1. Tekniske specifikationer

Generelle specifikationer

Opladningstilstand (IEC 61851-1) Tilstand 3
Dimensioner uden kabel 198x201x99 mm (uden kabel)
Vægt uden kabel 1,3 kg (uden kabel)
Driftstemperatur -25 ºC til 50 ºC
Opbevaringstemperatur -40 ºC til 70 ºC
Miljømæssige klassificeringer IP55, IK10 (høj modstandsdygtighed)
Installationssted Indendørs og udendørs brug
Mounting Method Stationary equipment is mounted on the wall. Floor mounting with appropriate Wallbox accessories.
Beregnet til brug Udstyr beregnet til brug af almindelige mennesker.
Adgang til lokationer Udstyr til steder med ubegrænset adgang og begrænset adgang

RED-direktiv 2014/53/EU, RoHS-direktiv 2011/65/EU og BS 7671:2018+A1:2020+A2:2022

I overensstemmelse med britiske regler om intelligent opladning

Electrical Specifications

Opladningseffekt 7,4 kW (1P) 11 kW (3P) 22 kW (3P)
Nominel spænding AC ± 10% 230 V 400 V 400 V
Konfigurerbar strøm fra 6 A til nominel strøm
Nominel frekvens 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Nominel diversitetsfaktor (RDF) 1
Registrering af reststrøm 6mA DC
Nominel isolationsspænding 1430 Vrms
Nominel impulsspænding 4000 V
Overspændingskategori KAT III
Ekstern RCCB påkrævet før lokale regler Type A, Type B eller Type EV
Beskyttelse mod elektrisk stød Klasse I
Kabel sektion Op til 13 mm²
Tilslutning af EV-forsyningsudstyr AEVCS er permanent forbundet til vekselstrømsforsyningsnettet

2. Safety Warnings

Safety warning icons
  • Flying debris, risk of eye injury
  • Risk of electric shock.
    Disconnect and wait 10 mins
  • Caution
  • Sharp element, risk of injurious cuts
  • Ground earth connection required
  • Special waste treatment

3. Tools and Mounting Parts

Required tools

tools & mounting parts
  • Hammer
  • Step drill bit 32mm and bit 8mm
  • Pencil
  • Flat Screwdriver
  • Pillips Screwdriver
  • Cutting Pliers
  • Torx T20 and T15
  • Measuring Tape
  • Utility Knife
  • Spirit Level

Included mounting parts

  • Phillips Screws ø6 x 50 mm
  • Phillips Screws ø5 x 40 mm
  • Wall Anchors ø8 x 40 mm
  • M32 Grommet
  • Torx Screws T20 4 x 10 mm
  • Torx Screws T15 ø3.5 x 8 mm

4. Klargøring af opladeren

Remove the two corner screws and carefully lift the cover. Then, carefully detach the ribbon cable to set the cover aside.

Før du fortsætter med installationen, skal du sørge for at slukke for alle tilslutninger.

5. Installing the Wall Plate

Remove the tape from the wall plate to detach it from the charger. Then, place it straight and mark three holes with a pencil. Now drill with an appropriate-sized bit and place the wall plate in alignment with the holes.

If you are mounting your charger on a solid wall, use the wall anchors provided with your charger.

Fix the wall plate to the wall, ensuring not to over-tighten the screws.

If case power supply wiring comes from the wall, ensure to place the wires through the wall plate hole before fixing the wall plate.

6. Lower Connection

Både nederste og bageste tilslutning er mulig ved montering af Pulsar Max. If you intend to install the product by using the bottom hole, pay attention to the instructions below. For the rear connection, go to section 7.

Lift your charger and hang it from the top of the wall plate. Secure the charger to the wall plate with the appropriate screws, avoiding over-tighten.

Make an incision on the grommet and insert the power supply cable.

7. Rear Connection

Make a hole on the back of the charger, using a Step drill bit 32mm. Then, make an incision in the grommet and insert the power supply cable.

Fix your charger to the wall plate and then fix it using the appropriate screws.

Besøg EMS Installation Guide for at finde ud af, hvilke funktioner der understøttes af Pulsar Max.

8. Electrical Wiring

Single Phase Version

  • Single Phase Set-up
  • Bi-phase No Neutral
  • Single Phase PME

(UK only) can be connected to the PME supply according to BS7671:2018-amd1:2020 722.411.4.1

Three Phase Version

D. Three Phase Set-up

E. Trefaset uden neutral

F. Bi-phase Set-up

For den trefasede, ikke-neutrale installation skal du tjekke kompatible elbilmodeller, der understøtter denne konfiguration.

Pulsar Max trefaset version kan installeres med A – B opsætninger.

Sørg for, at den maksimale spænding er mindre end 264 V mellem L- og N-indgangene.

9. Closing the Charger

Position the current selector to an appropriate setting. Then, carefully reattach the communication cable to your charger cover and close it.

Sørg for, at vælgeren ikke peger på 0, 8 og 9.

Insert the four corner screws to secure your charger cover. Sørg for at justere den nederste skrueåbning korrekt, placer coverrammen på din oplader, og fastgør rammen med skruen. Do not over-tighten.

10. Installing the Plug Holder

Place the plug holder on the wall and mark the fixing points. Then, drill holes where the fixing points are marked.

Sæt ankerskruerne i fastgørelseshullerne. Then secure the device to the walls by inserting and tightening the screws.

11. Registering the Charger

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Updated on 12/03/2024

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