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How to restart charger(s) through the portal

You can restart a charger when connected by Bluetooth and within its range, or remotely if your charger has an Internet connection.

You cannot restart a charger that is charging/discharging currently, or is unavailable.

1. How to restart a single charger

  1. Log in to the Wallbox portal.
  1. Click Chargers.
  1. Click your charger.
  1. Click the green restart icon in the top right corner.
  1. In the resume panel that appeared, click “Restart“. The restart begins.

Alternatively, you can tick the charger and click Restart in the options that appear in the top right corner.

2. How to restart multiple chargers simultaneously

  1. Log in to the Wallbox portal.
  1. Click Chargers.
  1. Tick your chargers.
  2. Click the “Restart” button in the top right corner.
  1. In the resume panel that appeared, click “Restart“. The restart begins.
Updated on 10/08/2022

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