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Emovili Help, the New “Road Service” for Electric Vehicle Users


How many times have you asked yourself, “What if I get stuck on the road with my electric vehicle?”

In response to this concern, new ideas are already emerging such as the one just launched by our partner emovili, a leading Spanish company in electric mobility and recharging solutions for electric vehicles: emovili Help.

emovili Help was born as an innovative road service that eliminates the “range anxiety” for drivers and users of electric vehicles. For its premiere and first pilot, they have chosen the Community of Madrid (Spain), as it is the Spanish region in which most electric vehicles are registered; and it is aimed to all users who are left without battery and need a recharge to arrive to the nearest charging station.

The service offers a recharge that can cover up to a maximum of 30 kilometres. emovili comes with a vehicle equipped with a system that incorporates a 9kWh portable battery that is filled up with renewable energy. While the vehicle is being assisted, the customer is offered additional services such as Internet and water so that the driver can take advantage of the waiting time.

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