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Enrol users in the Pay per Month subscription

Once you are done setting up your charger(s) with Pay per Month, it is time to register your users. As soon as they accept the Pay per Month subscription contract that is automatically sent to them, they can use your Pay per Month charger(s) and be billed monthly.

To register the user(s), follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to Wallbox portal.
  2. Click Users in the left menu. If you haven’t added any users yet, you can add them by following the steps in this article.
  3. Click the user you wish to subscribe to the monthly billing.
  4. In the Pay per Month subscription panel, set the button to the ON position.
  5. Click “Validate” in the pop-up that appears.
  6. The user receives a Pay per Month subscription contract by email.
  7. As soon as the user accepts the contract, the subscription will start.

To start using your charger(s), the user must download the Wallbox app and add a payment method and billing information. If you need help getting your users started with how to use your Pay per Month chargers, follow the detailed steps in this article

To unsubscribe a user, turn their profile’s Pay per Month subscription button to the OFF position.

Updated on 23/02/2023

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