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Hvordan aktiveres og bruges smart opladning med Pulsar Max?

Smart-charging, available only with Pulsar Max, allows you to automatically charge your vehicle in the most cost-effective periods according to your location. As well as allowing you to take advantage of the lowest electricity rates, it also takes the strain off your city’s electricity grid, which benefits the environment.

To activate and set up Smart-charging, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to the Wallbox app.
  2. If you did not do it yet, link your charger to your account.
  3. Select your charger.
  4. Wait until the app connects to your charger through Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.
  5. Tap “+ Add schedule” to create a smart schedule.
  6. The off-peak periods are displayed. Define a schedule within these displayed times to benefit from Smart-charging.
  7. Tap “Add schedule” to validate.

The Smart-charging schedule is added. It will display with the tag “Off-peak” along with your eventual other scheduled charging sessions.

For Smart-charging to run smoothly, ensure the charger is plugged into the car and that the charger is unlocked when Smart-charging begins.

If you just added your charger, a Smart-charging pop-up appears. The pop-up will guide you through adding your first smart schedule, proposing the most efficient times in your area.

Updated on 20/10/2022

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