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Spain leads the ranking of purchase intention for electric vehicles


According to a study by the NGO Transport & Environment (T&E), 40% of citizens surveyed say it is likely the next car they’ll buy or lease will be electric or fuel cell-powered.

Italians and Spaniards (both 48%) are most likely to say that they would be somewhat likely to buy or lease an electric or fuel cell car as their next vehicle, while the French and Germans (24 and 25% respectively) are least likely to say the same thing.

For those citizens who said they would not be likely to buy an electric or hydrogen car next, the biggest barrier is their high price followed by the availability of recharging points.
When it comes to government action, a surprisingly high share of surveyed thinks that the government should require carmakers to sell electric cars in their country.

Source: https://www.transportenvironment.org/press/forty-percent-europeans-say-next-car-they-buy-likely-be-electric-poll

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