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How to use your Smartwatch to control your charger?

Available for Apple Watch and Android Wear, the smartwatch app adds another level of convenience to your Wallbox charger usage experience.

To control your charger through your smartwatch:

  1. Log in to your account on your smartwatch app,
  2. Follow the instructions to pair your smartwatch with your app.

After successful pairing, you can control your charger with your smartwatch.

Currently available features for the Apple watch:

  • Remote Actions (API)
    • Increase Current Intensity
    • Lower Current Intensity
    • Lock the charger
    • Unlock charger
    • Pause the load
    • Pick up the load
  • Informative
    • Charger Status Display
      • Ready
      • Connected
      • Loading
      • locked
      • Error
  • Loading
    • Current Load Power
    • Accumulated energy

Currently available features for Android Wear:

  • Remote Actions (API and Bluetooth)
    • Increase Current Intensity
    • Lower Current Intensity
    • Lock the charger
    • Unlock charger
    • Pause the load
    • Pick up the load
  • Informative
    • Charger Status Display
      • Ready
      • Connected
      • Loading
      • locked
      • Error
  • Loading
    • Current Load Power
    • Accumulated energy
    • Background Actions
Updated on 10/08/2022

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