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Release of 28th-March-2023

Applicable To

  • MyWallbox

Latest Software Versions
Pulsar Plus NA Pulsar Plus e

Wallbox is always committed to providing the best charging experience to all its customers. Therefore, we are continuously improving our products’ features. Following you will find a repository with all published release notes, with an explanation of all the updates performed.

This new release brings enhancements to the myWallbox app.

Below, find the latest software versions of the myWallbox app (iOS and Android). To ensure proper functionality, please keep it always updated.

myWallbox Portal

  • New Hourly rates feature: Manage your time-based pricing with ease! Set different rates for different time slots, in a day or week. You can now easily adjust your pricing based on the time of day, making it simpler to keep track of billable hours and ensure accurate invoicing.
  • New look and feel for your charger information: With the latest update, you’ll enjoy a more user-friendly interface and detailed information about your charger. With easy access to all the information you need, including usage statistics, charging speed, and more. This update makes it easier than ever to monitor and manage your chargers.
  • Our latest update introduces a new custom filter option on the dashboard section and charger charts, allowing you to easily select your preferred date interval for better data analysis. Additionally, you can now export your selected data into a .CSV file for your convenience.
  • We’ve added payment support to Slovakia.
  • Lastly, we’ve addressed some minor bugs to ensure a smoother user experience overall.

myWallbox App


  • Pulsar Max chargers now support Power Sharing with up to 100 chargers in the network, allowing for more efficient and optimized charging.
  • We have also carried out some minor bug fixing.


  • Pulsar Max chargers now support Power Sharing with up to 100 chargers in the network, allowing for more efficient and optimized charging.
  • Our latest update fixes a bug that led to inaccurate reporting in Energy Insights.
  • We’ve also fixed an issue in the Help & Support section where affected chargers couldn’t be selected.

Latest Software Versions



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