Wallbox Help Center

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  • Release of 13th-December-2023

    Pulsar Plus Fixed a bug that could cause the charger to go to error when plugging it to some car…

  • Release of 27th-November-2023

    New enhancements and fixes are now available by updating to the latest software version of your Wallbox charger. Find out…

  • Release of 2nd-November-2023

    New enhancements and fixes are now available by updating to the latest software version of your Wallbox charger. Find out…

  • Release of 6th-June-2023

    New enhancements and fixes are now available by updating to the latest software version of your Wallbox charger. Find out…

  • Release of 25th-May-2023

    New enhancements and fixes are now available by updating to the latest software version of your Wallbox charger. Find out…

  • Release of 10th-May-2023

    New enhancements and fixes are now available by updating to the latest software version of your Wallbox charger. Find out…