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How to register users for the Pay per month solution so they can use your chargers?

As a charging infrastructure Super-Admin, you can invite users to use your chargers and bill them monthly accordingly to the rates you have defined in the first place.

The Super-Admin account needs to run an active Wallbox Business Plan for each charger they want to use Pay per Month for (read this article for more information about the Wallbox Plans).

To invite user(s), follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to Wallbox portal.
  2. Click Users in the left menu.
  3. Click the user you need to subscribe to the monthly billing.
  4. In the Pay per Month subscription panel, set the button to the ON position.
  5. Click “Validate” in the pop-up.
  6. The user will receive a subscription contract by email. As soon as the user accepts the invitation, the subscription will start.

You can follow the same steps to unsubscribe a user.

Did you receive a Pay per Month subscription invitation but don’t know how to start using it? Follow this article

Updated on 23/02/2023

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