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March 24, 2021 – Release Notes

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This new release brings enhancements to the Wallbox portal.

Below, you can see the latest software versions of all chargers and the Wallbox app (iOS and Android). 

To ensure proper functionality, please keep them always updated.

Wallbox portal

  • For Admins and Superadmins. Next time you log in, you’ll notice the brand new Dashboard section. It shows you an overview of your charging infrastructure via five different widgets: energy supplied and charging time graphs, income bar chart, active chargers list, and chargers availability. Note that to do this, we moved the total income, sessions, and connection time stats from the Payments section to the new Dashboard section.
  • For Admins and Superadmins. In line with the new Dashboard section, we’ve replaced the charts in the Chargers section with two new graphs. Click a charger to see its energy supplied and charging time statistics—you can choose to view them over the last 6 months or the last week.

Latest Versions

Pulsar Plus NAWallbox app

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