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July 6, 2021 Release Note

Applicable To

  • Pulsar Plus

Latest Software Versions
Pulsar Plus NA Pulsar Plus e

Wallbox is always committed to providing the best charging experience to all its customers. Therefore, we are continuously improving our products’ features. Following you will find a repository with all published release notes, with an explanation of all the updates performed.

This new release brings improvements to the Pulsar Plus charger.

Below, you can see the latest software versions of all chargers and the myWallbox app (iOS and Android). 

To ensure proper functionality, please keep them always updated.

Pulsar Plus

  • We’ve improved the Dynamic Power Sharing feature, to support further cases.
  • We’ve made reports and readings from your charger fully consistent.
  • Some charging sessions from logged users were being reported as anonymous. Now, each session is properly reported per logged user, and you can charge them accordingly (either individually or with our Pay per Month solution).

Latest Software Versions


Pulsar Plus

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